Thursday, July 2, 2009


... So what?! yes... it might not sound interesting- but about every four years there is this sailplane thing where all the big sailplane fanatics from all around the world come together and have contests and give let you fly in the sailplanes. It's pretty cool if u could stand the heat that is... my dad is really obsessed with it so we go every time there is one. We normally stay at this awesome camp site called Farenbaugh or something and i love it because they have a pool and an arcade room and gift shop so its pretty fun. They also have a mini golf course but its pretty old and broken down so i won't talk much about that. I really reccomend it if u want to check out the sailplane capital of Elmira. WEll... au revoir!!!!!!
my family is packing right now. More about the trip when i come back!!!!!!! ^_^